Rodent Control

If you have a pesky rat problem or a colony of mice that have moved in, look to ABI PEST for a proper removal solution. With our experienced team members and our sophisticated rodent control tools, we are prepared to handle just about any job as well. We focus on the most important parts of your rodent issue: where they are, and how they’re getting in. This allows us to not only eliminate the rodents you have, but to prevent them from coming back anytime soon.

With our proactive rat and mice prevention services, you can be certain that your property will be rodent-free, and that’s invaluable for your peace of mind and long-term happiness. Not to mention every service we offer is also backed by our same tremendous customer service that has been trusted everywhere.

Whatever you might be faced with, you can be confident that it will be taken care of properly when you trust it to us.

A little bit about Rodent Control

Rodents are different from a number of other pest problems. Rodents are larger than most pests, and they tend to eat a lot more as well. They also carry a number of different viruses and diseases that many insects don’t carry, including some that are particularly dangerous and even deadly. Mice and rats are also one of the most damaging pests you can have in your home. In fact, only termites tend to do more damage to homes than mice and rats do. And despite the fact that you might work hard and do everything you can to keep them out, rodents always seem to find their way in through some way you simply weren’t aware of.

One way rodents differ from other pests is that there aren’t nearly as many different types or varieties of rodents that we commonly see in homes or businesses. Whereas there are thousands of different types of insects that might be present, there might be only a dozen or so different types of rodents. Here at ABI PEST, we carefully determine what type of rodent problem we’re looking at before taking action, ensuring that our methods target the problem properly and obtain the best possible results.

A few common types of rodents we deal with include:

House mice: small mice that generally grow to about 7.5–10 centimetres and a tail length of 5–10 cm at the absolute most. They have lighter brown fur on their underbelly in addition to gray fur on most of their bodies.

Norway rats: Contrary to their name, Norway rats are not Norwegian. In fact, they’re far more Australian than most other types of rats, as they’re the most common type of rat found in the country. They can grow up to 28 cm in length and dense bodies with gray and black hair.

Roof rats: Roof rats are generally slightly smaller than Norway rats, and have dark brown to black fur. They generally only grow to about 12.75 to 18.25 cm long, not including a 15 to 22 cm tail in length, and they are superb climbers that often like to enter buildings from upper levels like the roof.

Rats can be detected by their droppings or evidence of fresh gnawing. Tracks can be seen in mud and on dusty surfaces. Burrows and runways may be found next to buildings, along fences, and under low vegetation and debris.

Are rodents dangerous?

Many people don’t realize just how dangerous a rodent infestation can be. In addition to carrying diseases, rodents also tend to damage things in ways you wouldn’t imagine. Rodents often chew on just about everything in sight because their teeth never stop growing. In order to keep them at a reasonable length, rats and mice will chew on everything from structural wood, electrical wires and aircon ducting to plumbing lines and everything in between.

Rats and mice cause millions of dollars in damage every year, and even a single mouse or rat can cause some seriously expensive damage to your home. To keep them away and prevent them from damaging your home, we recommend keeping your property clean.

That means removing the rubbish and always making sure your rubbish is sealed with a tight-fitting lid that prevents odors from escaping.

Effective rat and mice control requires good customer cooperation. Proper storage of pets food, removal of grass, weeds, etc. and taking care of rubbish, wood piles or old equipment are just a few examples of good sanitation. Pet foods and wild bird seed are tasty meals for rodents. If rats have easy access to an abundance of dog food (especially at night when feeding time is heaviest), they are less likely to be attracted to rodenticides or baited traps.